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The Gift of Giving Back

Giving Back is a great way to connect and get your mind off of stress and fears and focus on what matters most, a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways you can create mental health awareness events in your community. This year Mental Health is focused on the theme — anxiety — and can be a great focus or angle for your event, or incorporate a wider spectrum of mental health topics.

Check out these Mental Health Awareness Month activities that can both entertain and provide a real service to others.

Ideas for promoting mental health awareness in the community

Almost everyone knows someone who’s struggled with anxiety or depression. You can use Eventbrite to Give Back to the community and Create local events with these ideas …

1. Host a breakfast or morning tea

Invite a psychologist or mental health professional to lead a discussion over bagels and hot drinks, providing tips and techniques for handling stress, anger, and more. Making it a weekly or monthly series, with a different topic for each event, can help you appeal to busy attendees.

2. Host a mental health seminar

Use a seminar-organizing checklist to help gather a panel of psychologists, therapists, or other mental health professionals to inform your audience about symptoms and warning signs of mental illness. Often, workplaces or schools will be happy to provide space for events geared toward their employees or students, so contact facilities management about potential venues.

3. Raise some funds

Find a local organization providing services for mental health and make your event a fundraiser. Partner with a mental health service for veterans or those who are incarcerated, or promote a clinic that treats eating disorders. There are a number of effective activities for your fundraiser, such as:

  • Fun run/walk

  • Auction

  • Gala

  • Rummage sale

4. Host a film screening

Screen a mental health-themed film or documentary to engage your audience, then follow it up with a Q&A or discussion led by a psychologist or counselor. Choose from popular Hollywood titles like “Silver Linings Playbook,” “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” and “A Beautiful Mind,” or go for a lesser-known documentary, such as “Hiding in Plain Sight,” about the mental health crisis among America’s youth.

5. Help in a crisis

Knowing what to do in a crisis can be lifesaving. Set up a crisis-training course to equip community leaders on how to handle any mental health crisis, such as depression, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol or substance abuse. Coordinate with a clinic or hospital for guidance and to increase your reach.

6. Host an event for Mental Health Action Day

Mental Health Action Day is set aside for activities focused on improving mental health. Consider featuring activities that relieve stress and uplift the spirit, such as:

  • Yoga or similar physical exercise that relieves tension and tightness

  • Meditation or observance of silence for an extended period of time

  • Share sessions led by a therapist or counselor

Think of ways to make your event as accessible as possible, whether that means making accommodations for attendees who use a wheelchair or offering a virtual component so that those who prefer to stay safe at home can still enjoy the event.

Inviting a well-respected psychologist from a local hospital or using materials from nationally recognized organizations can give your audience the assurance that the information they receive at your event is trustworthy and accurate. The Mental Health Action Day site offers excellent guidance on event dos and don’ts.

7. Host a dance party

A dance party can change up the usual mental health-focused fare. You can even host a virtual dance party, with participants joining in the fun from afar. Or be like Bob of Santa Monica, California’s Bob’s Dance Shop and go one step further with a flash mob dance party.

8. Bring in the pets

Finding ways to include furry friends in your Mental Health Awareness Month activities is always a popular idea and confers real mental health benefits. Consider:

  • Hosting a morning tea for pets, with treats for pets and their owners alike

  • Organizing a trip to an animal shelter or rescue facility for volunteer work

  • Visiting a petting zoo or farm that allows you to milk the cows

9. Get social

Organize events geared to get guests interacting, such as speed dating for friends, or gatherings based on shared interests, such as crafting, knitting, or gaming. Consider making your event hybrid or fully virtual, as virtual social events can be especially effective at helping those confined to their homes get valuable social engagement.

10. Organize a tree planting day

Give back to the planet and encourage mental health all at once. Contact a city, county, or state park about tree planting permits or requirements, and coordinate with a local nursery or tree farm about obtaining the necessary saplings.

Workshop ideas for mental health awareness

Designing workshops around improving mental health combines awareness with action to protect against depression and stress and improve mindfulness and serenity. These workshops work well as mental health awareness virtual events, allowing anyone with an internet connection to participate in the workshop and improve their own condition.

11. Host a stress-reduction workshop

Stress is perhaps one of the most common mental health afflictions, so a workshop dedicated to resolving it can have an outsized impact. Help attendees identify stressors and reduce tension by including stress-relieving activities like:

  • Physical activity, such as dance, athletics, or exercise

  • Organizing items, such as multicolored pins or patterns

  • Silent meditation or repeating mantras for extended periods of time

  • Laughing

  • Yoga sessions

  • Breath exercises

12. Teach a cooking class

Consider offering a cooking class that teaches participants how to fix healthy meals and includes tricks for staying true to a healthy lifestyle. Diet choices can address mental health in a positive and proactive way. According to Harvard Medical School, foods that specifically benefit the brain include leafy vegetables, fatty fish, berries, walnuts, and even tea and coffee, so be sure to feature foods that include these ingredients.

13. Host a yoga session

Yoga and physical exercise are excellent methods for relieving tension and stress, improving mood, and enhancing mindfulness. Engage with a yoga teacher to lead your session, which can be held in a gym or studio or, if the weather permits, at a park or beach under the warm and replenishing sun. New Jersey’s Morning Glory Farm’s yoga classes even include alpacas as a way to further connect with nature. Use Mental Health Awareness Month as a way to encourage newcomers to try yoga by first organizing a “try-out” session. Then keep the momentum going by promoting ongoing sessions that can help your attendees maintain physical and mental health throughout the year.

14. Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation is renowned for its calming effect and the way it reduces stress. And since stress is a key factor in driving anxiety and depression, practicing meditation and mindfulness can significantly affect your mental health. Include meditation as part of a range of health-oriented activities at a spiritual retreat. Make it a standing appointment for greater impact — Peace Point Meditation in Azusa, California holds multiple regular classes so meditation becomes a healthy habit for eventgoers. While this involves stillness and quiet, mindfulness can be practiced alongside a wide range of activities, including:

  • Coloring, whether it’s crayons and a coloring book or paints and a canvas

  • Walking meditation, such as a walk around a park

  • Eating, allowing yourself to reflect on the flavors and textures of your food

  • Gardening, including vegetable gardens, flower gardens, or both

15. Showing gratitude

Studies have shown that those who express gratitude regularly generally have a more positive outlook on life and less depression. Consider offering a workshop that explores various ways of building gratitude — such as journaling, meditating, and expressing thanks to those around you. Include blank journals and fresh pens to distribute to attendees to get them started.

16. DIY

Set up a workshop that enables participants to develop DIY skills that builds their creativity. Be sure to provide any necessary tools and supplies, and don’t forget to take photographs to showcase the new creations. Or, make it a virtual or hybrid event — simply ship the required materials to registered online participants before the event so everyone can participate. Choose from a wide range of crafts and skills to feature, including:

  • Woodworking

  • Jewelry making

  • Candle making

  • Wax carving

  • Lino printmaking

  • Sewing

  • Knitting and needlework

Provide these eventbrite links to lead people to local events already in place as well

2023 Mental Health Awareness Calendar

I think we all would likely agree that caring for our mental health, raising awareness and lifting each other up any way we can regarding mental health is incredibly important now more than ever. With this in mind, we’d like to share information about mental health events, campaigns, and more that are happening in 2023.

Below is a list of awareness days, weeks, and months that we’ve gathered and sorted, so you can note when they are happening and find ways to get involved as they get closer. Each day/week/month event has a link to some further information, so be sure to give them a click if you want to know more!.

We hope this page is helpful, and offers resources and information people can put to good use.













World Sleep Day (Mar. 17)

Kick Butts Day (Mar. 31)





Day of Silence (Apr. 14)

Denim Day (Apr. 26)



Tourette Awareness Month – May 15-June 15


Memorial Day (May 29)




Tourette Awareness Month – May 15-June 15















R U OK? Day (Sep. 14)









Veteran’s Day (Nov. 11)

Giving Tuesday (Nov. 28)




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